Service and Repair FAQ

Need a repair?  Big or small, we do it all!

What services does your mechanic shop offer?

Our full-service mechanic shop handles all repairs except for transmission internals. We generally do not work on vehicles newer than 1994, focusing primarily on classic cars. For newer vehicles, we have reliable partners to assist with repairs.

What are your rates for service and repair?

Our standard labor rate is $120 per hour. Consignors enjoy a discounted rate of $88 per hour. Parts are billed additionally based on their cost. If you are fixing up your car for resale, we can take in your car on consignment while the repairs are made to expedite the process.

Is an appointment needed for repairs?

Yes, all repair services require an appointment. Our shop is open from Tuesday to Saturday, 10 AM to 6 PM, and on Mondays from 10 AM to 2 PM.

How can I schedule a service appointment?

To schedule a repair or service appointment, please call us at 801-899-2118 or email We encourage you to contact us in advance to discuss your needs and arrange a suitable time.

Service and Repair Request

Ready for a quote? Fill out our service and repair request form, or call us directly at (801) 899-2118.

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 (801) 899-2118

809 W 1700 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84104-1736

Mon - Fri • 10 am - 6 pm

Sat • 10 am - 5 pm

Sun • Closed

Text Us